RSG Provides Nationwide Free Training Events for Former Law Enforcement Professions Looking to Return to the Sector


In the summer of 2021 RSG held a series of face to face and virtual training events to provide up skilling and re skilling training to former law enforcement practitioners.

These free to attend events provided 30 hours of learning in aspects of the PIP2 investigators syllabus plus other updates in systems such as HOLMES, NICHE and PNC

Over 50 delegates attended locations in London, Hampshire, Birmingham and Manchester.

Marin Jerrold commenting on the initiative stated

“These free events are beneficial for RSG, our job seeking community, and we believe, UK policing.  RSG is able to deploy its media, training and virtual and physical estate assets to provide these events so economically, we able to provide them at no cost to the delegate.  By helping job seekers maintain and build their knowledge and expertise we increased their chances of employment.  By investing in these job seekers we believe we’re doing our modest bit to help maintain UK policing capacity”

RSG will be running further events in the winter of 2021 and then spring and summer of 2022.