Responsible Officer Refresher



RSR offer a completely free probation training service aimed at former probation officers and probation service officers seeking to return to work, or simply in need of refreshing their skills.

This RSR training programme is designed for candidates/delegates who have been out of offender management or the prison and probation sector for a number of years. It is to be completed prior to returning to work in offender management, with the aim of increasing the supply of skilled probation officers and probation service officers.

Alternatively, the programme can be a refresher course to maintain continuous professional development for the existing workforce and as a tool to go over key areas of practice and knowledge and demonstrate continuing baseline capability. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

  • The current political and professional context of the prison and probation service and how this has developed since 2014
  • Opportunity to share and discuss anxieties about returning to probation
  • Full review of the current sentencing structure in the criminal courts
  • Information given about the use of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and how probation officers contribute to sentencing
  • The Criminal Justice Act 2015
  • Information given about the latest legal amendments made to the sentencing structure
  • How to write pre-sentence reports and the role of professional moderation.
  • Information given on offender management and desistance
  • A review of the assessment tools used
  • Information about the theoretical basis of assessment tools
  • Information about current use of risk assessment


Course Length

  • 2 days



The course has eight modules covering different areas of offender management theory, legislation, and practice as above and is completed by taking a true or false quiz to determine a pass or fail.

Participants will be able to try again if they select a wrong answer. Once participants have successfully completed the Q + A section, they should move onto the next chapter.

Once all the modules are completed, participants are required to complete a final multiple-choice test comprising 20 questions. The questions, whilst obviously based on the subjects covered during the course, are not the same as those posed at the end of each chapter. Once completed, participants will receive feedback on their final score and will receive a certificate if they have passed. There is also the opportunity to re-take the final test if they did not pass.


The training is designed to be classroom-based, and is delivered as such, over two days, at weekends, at RSRs offices in London and Birmingham. The modules are also available as an eLearning package. The eLearning platform is an entirely free to access service for all RSR registered candidates and our existing agency workforce.

The classroom-based course is also a free course but does require the delegates to attend at their own expense.

Course Suitability

Suitable for candidates who were qualified probation officers or experienced probation service officers and have been out of the service for between 2 to 10 years.

Course Enquiry